Your ecommerce can sell more: recover abandoned carts


Published 02/11/2020 · 4 min read

One of the most effective (and forgotten) sales strategies for ecommerce: recover abandoned carts

We know how frustrating it is for ecommerce owners to see hundreds of purchasing processes abandoned in the final phase. Once you have invested time and resources in creating content, managing networks, developing landings, optimising positioning, developing a website... And when you finally manage to generate traffic to your e-commerce portal, you discover that you lose conversion in the last step of the purchasing process. How annoying! In this post we will address how to reduce the percentage of abandoned carts to increase the conversion of your ecommerce website (and what it brings with it: strategies and tools to sell to more customers and build customer loyalty).


How to generate leads in ecommerce... that end up buying

To understand where and why many of your visitors and potential customers (also known as leads) leave without buying, let's look at the basic differences between concepts. Between those who are visitors to our website (or traffic), and the percentage of these visitors who end up becoming customers (or conversion rate). Although it may seem otherwise, there is no point in having a lot of traffic if our visitors have no intention of making a purchase.  

Now that you know that it's not all about generating traffic and the vital importance of conversion you'll be thinking: "Increasing conversion is what I need for my ecommerce website." Well, keep on reading. There are many causes behind all those visitors to our ecommerce site that leave without buying. Many are beyond your reach: they have ended up there by mistake or have "entered to look" without the intention of buying on that visit (but they probably do buy on future visits).  

Unfortunately, many customers leave because, although they had found what they were looking for and were determined to buy it, they encounter unexpected obstacles or additional costs that they did not count on and that make them go back. The good news is that you can do something about it.  


Sales strategies to increase conversion in ecommerce

As you've seen, there are different types of customers who leave their shopping cart with items. For each one of them we bring you recapture strategies.


Email Marketing: get that distracted customer back.

Because it works, it is a strategy used by large e-commerce companies like Amazon or Aliexpress. For that customer who is almost in the boat but who simply needs one last push. He is perhaps the most indecisive of all, but also the emotional one. He knows what he wants but tries to be restrained in his impulses. That is why our job is to remind him via email that we have the products he is looking for. We want to keep the desire to buy alive.  How to do it? 

  • Get his e-mail. Without mail, there is no link with your customers (or visitors). Many portals offer a 10% discount on the first purchase by subscribing to their newsletter (and therefore making an account and entering your email). Try to make the subscription process as easy as possible; just asking for the email address and authenticating the account the account is enough. In this way, we already have a means of communication and contact with our potential customers. 

  • Communication, if on time, twice communication. It's essential that you know when to send a recapture email to your customers. Remember that you want to reactivate the desire to buy, not end up becoming a spam account (which they will block from their inbox). For communication to be effective (without overwhelming the customer), large companies send 3 emails: one within a few hours, one the next day, and the last one 5 days later. In any case, this is still a recommendation: remember that the higher the cost of the product, the longer it takes to decide on it. In these cases it is preferable to space out the emails further. 

  • Be useful. When addressing a client, you have to let him know that you know his needs and doubts. Avoid at all costs tiring him out with emails that say nothing, because it will not be long before he ignores them. The most common reasons behind abandoned carts are: is it really what I'm looking for? Does the price respond to the quality of the product? Do they have the payment methods I'm used to using? This is where the ecommerce owner has to prove that he knows his product: you should list the main qualities of the product (objective description) and its benefits to the consumer (applications of the product, added value). Let him know that you believe in your product and that you are the one who makes them the best offer (because you know their needs, because your website offers a comfortable shopping experience). If your website is easy to use and offers convenient payment methods, you're saving time for your customer (and he values it). 


An omnichannel payment gateway. Create a shopping experience to repeat

As silly as it may seem, there are ecommerce websites that lose many customers because they do not offer the right payment methods. Something as simple as offering an omnichannel payment gateway can make you the most attractive offer. This is to offer your customers a wide range of payment methods, which can be adapted to their needs according to their country, age or circumstances at that time.


Do you want to know how to integrate an omnichannel payment gateway into your ecommerce in a simple way? Meet the PayXpert payment gateway

Offer your customers the latest in financial technology: pay by link, IVR, or a state-of-the-art POS. Open up to the international market with payment systems such as Russian MIR, or the Chinese AliPay or WeChat Pay. Integrating an omnichannel gateway for your customers will allow you to offer a convenient shopping process, create an outstanding user experience, and increase the conversion of your e-commerce.

You are here because you believe in the continuous improvement of your ecommerce website strategy. The goal of financial technology is to generate tools at the service of companies and the people who work in them. The PayXpert team knows the needs of companies like yours and works to provide you with tailored solutions. We want to be your financial consultant. Visit our website to find out how we can help you grow.

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