Pay by link: selling more is just a click away


Published 27/07/2020 · 3 min read

The reality of sales has evolved a lot in recent years. Especially, the main search engines and social networks use our habits and preferences to offer us things related to our tastes. Data management is on the agenda, and you can also use it to offer your customers a personalised service. Learn here how PayXpert can help you implement data management in a world of contextual commerce.


Contextual commerce: the power of a technology that allows you to get close to your customer when they need you most

Even if it's much easier to get traffic on the web, the sale is still not guaranteed. A good sales strategy goes beyond personalised bidding: it also includes payment methods that fit consumer preferences and habits. The reason is simple. I'm sure you'll know what we're talking about if we tell you that the shopping cart abandonment rate in online stores is around 60 to 80%.


On average, 67.91% of the purchase processes on ecommerce websites do not end up being carried out

That's right, even if you get more traffic on your online commerce website you may be (and surely are) losing customers. There are several reasons why visitors to your ecommerce website do not end up making their purchase. Some of them had no real intention of buying and were just checking it out (and they'll probably come back). But many of them indicate that the payment process was complicated or too long.  


Strategy to increase sales. What is pay by link?

Pay by link is an increasingly popular payment method because of its convenience for the customer and its easy implementation for the merchant. It provides the buyer with a link (either through chat, email or social networks) that will redirect them quickly and directly to the payment gateway.  That's right, with a simple click your customers will access a page where they can securely enter the necessary data to process the payment. Easy and fast. 


Benefits of pay by link and how to implement it on your ecommerce website

As we mentioned above, it is very frustrating to see how part of the flow of visitors (and prospective buyers) end up abandoning the items in the cart. Many times, this is not due to lack of interest on our website (because contextual commerce tends to attract buyers already interested in our products or services). Here's how to start integrating this fast and secure payment method.

  • Chatbots: or chats that serve user queries automatically and without the need for human resources behind 100% of the time. Its advantages are its fast assistance, its great coverage and its low cost. In addition, it can be either a chat box on your own online sales website or in social network chats. This way, you give 24h coverage to your customers, answer possible doubts and, when the time comes, you redirect them to the payment gateway through the pay by link.
  • Operators: having a team of agents who respond to the needs of your customers and manage sales is, although expensive, a way to provide closeness and warmth. However, many customers do not find it convenient to give their personal details by telephone. This is where the pay by link method becomes useful again. The customer would only have to provide the operator with an email address to which a message with the payment link would be sent. This link would securely redirect the customer to the payment process. Simple, isn't it?
  • Your customers leave the cart. We've said it before... This can be very frustrating. Thanks to the pay by link system you can contact them via email reminding them of the items they left in the cart and offering them a button that redirects them directly to the payment page, and the maximum security guarantee. Because in addition to being safe, your payment gateway has to look safe. After all, we are asking the customer to trust us with their personal data, and we have to make them feel at all times that they are in good hands.


Pay by link: a fast and secure way to manage payments

The PayXpert team works to help you optimise your finances, so that you can offer your customers the payment methods they expect from you: fast, safe, and adapted to their payment habits. That's why we believe the pay by link payment method may be of interest to you. How to get it up and running according to your needs?  

Contextual commerce: turn your website visitors into buyers thanks to Data Mining and Business Intelligence

Through our Data Mining and Business Intelligence tools you will discover what your customers' shopping habits are, wherever they are. When is it more useful to send them an email with a payment link? If you want to approach your customers in China, the payment link you send them will redirect them to a page with WeChat Pay or Ali Pay as payment methods. This way you will surprise them with a payment offer adjusted to their needs, at a time when you know that they fit their shopping habits. 

Increase your online commerce sales, partner with an expert financial partner

At PayXpert, we firmly believe in fintech to help companies adapt to the market of the future. It is becoming increasingly clear that financial technology is key to providing a flexible service—from anywhere, anytime. If you're thinking about strengthening the online component of your business, diversifying your sales, and accessing international markets, we can help you. Visit our website to discover our tools, hear testimonials from our customers, and see how we can help you grow focusing on the future.

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Practical guide: all you need to know about payments gateways



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