Why is PayXpert your best WordPress payment gateway?


Published 21/04/2021 · 5 min read

It has been more than 10 years since PayXpert was founded. Its main objective was to create solutions with an international reach. And we succeeded! Fintech has become a payment gateway supported by authorities such as the UK’s Financial Conduct Activity (FCA). In short, it is an ideal payment solution for eCommerce.

Integrating a payment option that adds value to the shopping experience is essential for eCommerce. Therefore, we are convinced that a satisfied customer is one who finds the payment method that best suits their needs. And if they are not familiar with it, they are more likely to abandon the shopping cart.

That's why at PayXpert we've developed a complete payment platform that conveys confidence, simplicity and facilitates decision-making. If you're looking for immediacy and security, you're in the right place.

Find out why PayXpert is your best WordPress payment gateway!

What is PayXpert, and how does it work?

We could define PayXpert in many ways. From a technical point of view, it is a fintech that allows you to process all eCommerce payments, with multiple omnichannel offers to make the process easier for customers. On the other hand, PayXpert is a payment service provider. Or rather, a payment gateway that authorises payments to online businesses to facilitate this process.

But what sets it apart from other payment service providers? On the one hand, it has a long track record in the market. On the other hand, the ease with which its payment gateway can be integrated into eCommerce platforms, as well as improving conversion rates securely.

Are you looking for an innovative business model tailored to your WordPress shopping cart? At PayXpert, we listen to you and look for the solution you need. If you want to know more details about how we work, we invite you to read this post.

Features of PayXpert’s WordPress payment gateway

Now that you know what this system is all about, we want to tell you about its main features. First of all, we have an official PayXpert module for WordPress WooCommerce, and other plugins. The rest, we tell you below:

  • It is a payment solution adapted to local business conditions.
  • It is backed by the FCA and other financial institutions and authorities.
  • Licenses certify that money is always in safe hands.
  • It increases the chances of receiving purchases from international users.
  • It complies with all industry standards.
  • We have the most popular plugins on the market and an easy-to-implement API.
  • We have a real-time control platform.
  • We have a wide variety of payment methods, in more than 180 currencies, recurring payments, subscriptions and one-click payments.
  • And we have a technical and support team at your disposal.

Would you like to have a secure and centralised system to manage all your payments, reduce the level of credit card fraud, and integrate this plugin with ease? Thanks to the easy integration of the PayXpert payment gateway into WordPress, more and more businesses are leaping to expansion.

Switching to PayXpert is easy. We take care of importing all your data history and payment tokens with maximum security. We have the most popular plugins and extensions on the market for WordPress, WooCommerce, Magento, Opencart, Prestashop, Oscommerce, Xencart, and Whmcs.

Would you like to discover its advantages?

12 advantages of integrating the WordPress payment gateway into your online store

Ecommerce is an activity involving buyer, seller, internet and payment methods. Thanks to the technological advances of the last decade, globalisation, changing habits and the internet use growth, eCommerce is becoming almost a necessity.

In this context, payment gateways are a perfect way to carry out payments and improve the user experience. It's part of the business sales strategy.

The advantages of choosing PayXpert's WordPress payment gateway are:

  1. Immediate purchase.
  2. Maximum security.
  3. It facilitates reconciliation through a single platform.
  4. Multi-bank functionality.
  5. The user can operate in attended and unattended environments.
  6. It facilitates business internationalisation by integrating local payment methods, such as Alipay or WeChat Pay.
  7. It makes it easy to track customer behaviour.
  8. It boosts sales and reduces chargebacks.
  9. It offers alternative standard payments tailored to the needs of the business.
  10. It provides greater security and covers risks with anti-fraud tools.
  11. It facilitates compliance with European PSD2 (Payment Services Directive) regulations.
  12. It provides a powerful dashboard for the industry and improves the user experience.

Did you know that payment gateways eliminate the main pain points in eCommerce? For example: a website that takes too long to load when making a purchase, lack of a unified login and a common interface to avoid being directed to an external page, confusing prices and unexpected costs, few alternatives in payment methods, among others.

These are the main reasons why your purchase process is failing.

Data management, the added value of PayXpert

In addition to a complete and secure payment gateway, we have a dashboard from which you can get an overview of your payment operations. Thanks to the availability of data, you'll be able to make informed decisions to reach your business potential in just a few clicks.

This is one of the latest innovations of the platform and these are its main features:

  1. It has charts and selectors to dig deeper into the data naturally.
  2. It allows you to explore data to understand customers and acquirers.
  3. It offers advanced statistics and data analysis with multiple complementary views.
  4. It has filtered lists of transactions from the part of the statistics you want to analyse.
  5. You can view your past data and compare it with current data.

In addition, it has the following modules to facilitate the activity:

  1. Reconciliation module. PayXpert is one of the few payment service providers to integrate an accounting module that allows merchants visibility of incoming and related payments. From this module, you can filter the data you want to export and select the format that suits you best.
  2. Data import module for most of the major payment institutions and suppliers on the market. This allows merchants to keep the history of previous accounts and dig deeper into it.

Explore your business and stay in control of transactions!

How are new generations influencing eCommerce?

Much of PayXPert's growth is due to the consolidation of eCommerce. And therefore, the change of habits in users. Especially in the new generations of millennials (Y) and centennials (Z). They are the digital natives, true consumers of the 21st century who are driving companies to adopt technology and develop omnichannel strategies.

A high volume of eCommerce purchases come from this audience, as the report on the response of Generation Y or Z consumers to Covid-19 points out: "Millennials increased their online purchases by 24% during the lockdown."

In this context, and with more than a decade of experience, PayXpert has become one of the most innovative and consolidated payment gateways in the market. We owe this, above all, to the combination of its payment gateway with the central management dashboard and Connect2pay payment pages, which make it the perfect formula to increase sales.

Do you want to learn how to sell wisely? Write down all your questions. We'll be happy to answer them with you when you get to the end.

How to adapt to PSD2 regulations with PayXpert

None of this would be possible without having a good level of security in your business. By opting for this payment gateway, you not only improve conversion rates, sales or attract new customers, but you also make it easier to comply with PSD2 regulations. The European regulation on electronic payment services has two main objectives: "to increase the security of payments in Europe, and promote innovation and adaptation of banking services to new technologies". (BBVA)

The only way to keep your online store safe is to adapt it to these regulations, but how to do it? To this end, our payment processor facilitates the following tasks:

  • Optimisation of rejected transactions.
  • Business tracking.
  • Access to filtered transaction lists.
  • Monitoring of consumer transactions and behaviour.
  • Ongoing processing and optimisation.

Are you concerned about the security of your eCommerce? What are you doing to identify transactions with a high risk of fraud? We can help you with easy and reliable integration. Our team will walk you through the whole process.

Find out how to make the leap to the best WordPress payment gateway!

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