Accepting Alipay payments in my online store with PayXpert


Published 22/03/2021 · 3 min read

Are you interested in accepting foreign payments? Did you know that Alipay is setting the trend in e-commerce?

Don’t worry. We have the solution you need. Accepting payments with Alipay is possible thanks to PayXpert, and is a payment method that is spreading to businesses around the world. Accepting payments from users coming from all over the world is perhaps the dream of many eCommerces, but how many are making it a reality? One of the first questions we ask ourselves when we decide to open an online business is: What payment methods can I offer?

Today we want to tell you why Alipay is the solution you are looking for and how you can integrate it into your online store with PayXpert. Let’s get started!

Let’s remember what Alipay is

This Chinese payment method is taking the world by storm. It is a complete payment method that allows you to make payments on your Smartphone in a simple way. In a nutshell, it is a product of the electronic giant Alibaba and owned by Jack Ma. Its priority is to optimise the way people pay for any type of product or service, as well as to offer financial services to users.

In short, this application enables:

  • Payments in restaurants and small stores.
  • Financial services through the linking of credit or debit cards.
  • Transfers and mobile top-ups.
  • Payment of water, electricity or community bills in any Chinese city.
  • Booking a taxi or using shared bicycles.

The question now is how can I accept payments with Alipay in my online store? The answer is PayXpert.

Accepting payments with AliPay?

If you want to keep pace with new trends in the universe of payments, accept purchases from foreign users and facilitate the process of mobile payments in a simple way, you are in the right place. Alipay optimises the way people pay for any type of product and service. But why do you need to accept payments with Alipay?

  • Because it gives you access to over 600 million consumers.
  • It opens the doors of your business to foreign markets.
  • It enables support for marketing promotions.
  • It monitors your data in real time.
  • No extra exchange rate costs.
  • It processes payments quickly at checkout.

Users use it for several reasons:

  • It is a very popular payment method, a real ecosystem of financial services (payments, loans, transfers, etc.).
  • It is reliable, the platform of China’s e-commerce giant, Alibaba.
  • It's safe, you don't need to carry cash.

How to start accepting payments with Alipay in your online store? To implement this solution, we invite you to discover the solutions adapted to your business that we can offer you at PayXpert:

  1. Payments with static QR code for small stores.
  2. Integration with cash register system for large stores and chains.
  3. Point of Sale Terminal (POS) / App available for medium and large stores.

Join one of the most popular payment methods of all times!

Advantages of using Alipay with PayXpert in your eCommerce

We are an official Alipay partner and a regulated payment institution throughout Europe, and we count with experts with knowledge of the Chinese payments market. We have more than 100 alternative payment methods integrated into our platform, innovative and secure technology to receive payments and promotional campaigns available.

Among the main advantages of accepting Alipay payments with PayXpert are:

  • Your store will be visible on the platform and Chinese tourists will quickly find your business information on the app.
  • It allows you to run promotional campaigns (coupons or discounts) with Chinese customers.
  • Sending offers and news via geolocation push notifications when the user arrives in a certain area.
  • Advertising actions available on the offer pages and the city pages.
  • It is a secure payment method partnered with the main providers in the industry to ensure a secure, convenient and fast service.

Without a doubt, by having your store in Alipay, it will appear on the page of the city where you are. Everything you need to gain visibility among your users.

What are Alipay's marketing options?

First of all, businesses that want to increase their visibility easily can do so with Alipay. Considering that Chinese tourists can easily find your information, the platform is a great opportunity. Secondly, advertising actions can be carried out on the offer and city pages.

Are you ready to increase the visibility of your business and take it to the next level?

At PayXPert, we are waiting for you.

Alipay and the fintech sector

Real innovation in the fintech sector has been happening in much of Asia for some time now. Alipay, as we know it today, was founded in 2014 and was named Ant Financial. And one of its most powerful features is the Flywheel model it works with, based on engaging, interacting and delighting. Alipay is Ant Financial's payment platform and emerged as a result of Chinese e-commerce to the point of becoming more than just a service platform.

New digital technologies are changing the world. And the financial sector is no stranger to this development. As a result, in the 1990s the concept 'fintech' was born, which is nothing more than the acronym for 'finance' and 'technology'. In other words, financial services through technology.

There are many businesses that use them to simplify customer payment processes and offer more efficient services online. In any case, it integrates different types of technology, from that applied to individuals and companies, to financial consulting.

The term fintech is not new, although it is perfectly applicable to the current times. With more than 25 years of history, it is more alive than ever.

Are you ready to accept Alipay payments in your business? We can help you!

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