2024 May Day Golden Week Chinese Consumer Travel Report

Jie Zhou

Jie Zhou
Published 24/07/2024 · 3 min read

May Day (a five-day holiday in 2024) is one of the peak travel periods for the Chinese people. As the domestic tourism market matures and overseas tours recover, increasing numbers of Chinese tourists are choosing to travel during this golden week.

Scenic spots around the country are again experiencing an influx of large crowds. According to China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism data centre, the total number of domestic tourists travelling was 295 million during that period, a 7.6% increase compared to the previous year. The total expenditure of domestic tourists travelling amounted to 166.89 billion yuan ( 21.36 billion EUR/18.52 billion GBP), an increase of 12.7% year-on-year.

On the other side, the total number of China’s inbound and outbound tourists during the "May Day" holiday reached 3.672 million, of which 1.775 million were inbound tourists and 1.897 million were outbound tourists, according to China’s National Migration Administration.

The demand for outbound travel in China continues to be unleashed, driving rapid market growth as Chinese consumers return strongly to the global travel scene.

Key characteristics of 2024 May Day travel

Women and the younger generation dominate

In 2024 May Day travel, women accounted for 62% of the travellers. Among the overall travelling population during this period, 88% are post-00, post-90 and post-80s, of which 40% are Gen Z and 43% are post-80s. The tourist source during this period mainly came from first-tier and new first-tier cities. (Mafengwo)

Travellers' need to avoid the herd and aspire to the niche has become stronger.

A notable trend during this holiday is that Chinese travellers increasingly desire to avoid overcrowded tourist spots and seek out niche travel experiences. Data indicate a significant rise in travel bookings to smaller cities and lesser-known destinations, which increased by 140% during this period compared to the previous year, supports this shift. (ChinaDaily)

Local tourist attractions and smaller cities have gained popularity, and there is a growing demand for high-quality, personalised cultural and tourism products that allow tourists to immerse themselves in local experiences while relaxing.

These trends signal a shift in consumption patterns, with tourists now placing a higher value on the quality of their experiences and favouring more personalised and exclusive travel options. Indeed, Chinese travellers, now seek tailored and intimate travel experiences.

More flexible and experiential in travel arrangements

Flying Pig released the "May Day" holiday travel report showing that car rental, chartered car and other self-driving tour bookings have increased by more than 40% compared to last year. (Sohu)The benefits of self-driving extend beyond freedom and flexibility allowing the travellers to explore the destination on a deeper level.

According to Mafengwo, the number of "experiential" travellers is increasing. Chinese tourists are now increasingly seeking immersive experiences and preferring to explore destinations through activities such as city walks, hiking, cycling, and surfing.

This surge reflects a growing desire for greater freedom and a deeper sense of experience in their itineraries. It allows Chinese travellers to explore destinations at their own pace and engage in various local activities.

Demand for outbound travel and consumption continues to grow.

On the May Day holiday, Chinese tourists travel outbound to nearly 200 countries and over 3,000 cities and towns worldwide. 61.8 %, 15.4 % and 13.1 % of outbound trips were made to Asia, Europe, and the Americas, respectively.

Qunar data shows that the number of international air ticket bookings for May Day exceeded that of 2019, setting a record high for the same period. Chinese travellers booked hotels in 1,035 cities worldwide, and bookings for several visa-free destinations to China exceeded 2019 by more than 30%. (163.com)

Overall, Asian countries are the most popular destinations because of their proximity and the newly introduced visa-free policy for China in these countries. Long-haul outbound destinations are mainly the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Europe.

It's worth highlighting that Chinese tourists are enthusiastic about travelling to Europe.

Outbound travellers from long-haul countries such as Spain, Turkey, Austria, Slovenia, and Italy are growing at a faster rate, with the number of outbound tourists increasing by more than 1.5 times year-on-year. London and Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Madrid, and Vienna (Europe) are the top 10 long-haul destinations.

In summary, traditional destinations such as France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and the UK remain popular, and Northern, Southern, Central, and Eastern Europe are growing rapidly.


The rise in Chinese travellers during the May Day Golden Week 2024 indicates a promising future for the tourism industry, presenting excellent opportunities for retailers and other tourism-related businesses worldwide, including in Europe and the UK. To capitalise on the surge of Chinese tourists, it is essential to prepare by implementing Chinese payment options to accept their preferred mobile payment methods. Additionally, marketing on Chinese social media platforms can help attract their attention before they arrive at their destination.

For assistance in developing a comprehensive strategy for engaging with Chinese tourists, contact our experts.

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