Time to optimise your resources: Fintech and added value


Published 25/01/2021 · 3 min read

What is added value? Get the most out of your business through fintech (now more than ever)

Times are difficult for businesses of all kinds. Starting with bars and restaurants, all the way to the retail sector: we can say that the global economy is suffering an unprecedented crisis. With the prospect of uncertainty that we all face, as experts in financial technology, we at PayXpert want to do our bit to help brands get the most out of their finances. We want to help businesses like yours save time and money, now when they need it most.


Optimise your business strategy to face 2020

At PayXpert we create added value. How? Through financial technology in the form of management control tools and additional functions in our payment platform. But let's start from the beginning: what is added value? In finance, the term "added value" is used to refer to the difference between the cost of production and the market price. It is created through tools or services which specialise in meeting the needs of the market, with an efficient investment.

In other words: it's about getting the most out of your business, through tools designed to suit your business, and your client. That's where we come in: our experts have been developing technology for years to help both large and small businesses make smart and optimised use of their finances. Here's how.


How to achieve maximum added value thanks to tools designed by experts

We want to put our expertise at the service of businesses like yours, to help you cope with the times ahead. We are specialists in Fintech tools;  since we started in 2009 until today, we have developed some of the most powerful and innovative payment gateway technology on the market. Here are the main advantages of working hand in hand with a financial technology expert like PayXpert.

  • We integrate the payments that best suit your customers. Optimising payment gateways goes beyond offering a multi-channel gateway: it starts by understanding the consumption habits of your buyer persona. Designing a customised payment gateway for your customers is where our technology gives you the added value you need to position yourself. How do we do this? Through our Payment Data Management tool ( or big data management which is generated from your payments), you will get an overview of your payment operations. At a glance you'll know where your customers are, what their average ticket is, what their favourite payment method is... All the information you need to offer them a related payment gateway, which will help you increase conversion.

  • Reach more customers, sell more. One of the great forgotten areas of payment gateways are alternative payment methods. Surely, if we talk about payment methods, the 3 or 4 most popular ones come to mind... In your country. What if we told you that there are payment methods with millions of users that your competition does not offer? Surely you would like to be the first to offer them, and thus expand the boundaries of your business, reaching more customers. What payment methods are we talking about? The alternative payment methods. Chinese Ali Pay, We Chat Pay, or the Indian RuPay are our safe bets to expand (in millions) the number of potential customers of your business.

  • Develop a multi-channel (and unified) sales strategy. Or what is the same, offer several payment methods, in a synchronized way. Multi-channel payments allow you to offer a wide range of sales routes, so that it is your customer who chooses the one that best suits him. From digital payments, to MOTO phone payment systems (either through your agents or with Interactive Voice Response), SOFT MPOS (with which your employees will be able to use their smartphone as a dataphone), or the very useful Pay-By-Link (with which your customers can access the secure payment page through a link). Paying has never had so many ways, and it has never been so safe.

  • Welcome, contextual commerce. When it comes to developing optimal payment gateways, we take into account any details that may cause customer insecurity or the abandonment of the purchase. The reduction of the friction points in the payment process is called Seamless Payments. These allow customers to make the payment in the least number of steps possible, reducing the payment gateways to the minimum (always maintaining the maximum security guarantees). This means, for example, that our former customers can make a purchase again simply by clicking on the "Buy" button. No more having to re-enter all your details. Simple gestures as simple as this speed up the purchase process and reduce the number of abandoned carts, increasing conversion. This type of integrated commerce is known as contextual commerce.


We believe in financial technology to help you keep selling in 2020

We offer some of the most innovative and powerful payment technology in the industry. We have been developing financial technology tools since 2009 to provide our clients with a clear view of their finances and their customers. In addition, we provide you with the necessary resources to carry out an optimised financial strategy, adjusted to your reality and that of the market. 2020 is, more than ever, the time to integrate Fintech into your business. What was once mere innovation is now becoming a necessary investment to stay relevant. Because it means optimising the time and resources of your business, now when you need it  themost. PayXpert is added value for large, medium and small businesses.

Do you want to know what we can do for you? Contact us and ask for personalised advice from our team of experts. Request a free demo and try our tools without obligation. We know we can do many things together, shall we talk?

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