The secrets of big companies: sell more on Black Friday 2021


Published 09/02/2021 · 3 min read

Black Friday is just around the corner and your customers know it. We prepare you to welcome them as they deserve

"Is it too early to talk about Black Friday?" Black Friday is one of the most popular searches in the United Kingdom at this time of the year. November 27th has become, for many, an important date in the calendar. Black Friday is, for many shoppers, an opportunity to purchase their desired products at special prices. For shops, both physical (now they need it more than ever), and ecommerce, it is also an opportunity to make more sales.


Why is Black Friday celebrated? Origin of Black Friday and benefits for you

This holiday became popular in the United Kingdom not long ago (2010 was the first year in which a retailer brought this advertising to our country),  and it was first celebrated in the United States. The origin of "Black Friday", on the other hand, is not very clear. Some people say the name was created to refer to car traffic and people heading to the shops after Thanksgiving Day. It is also thought that "Black" is because the accounts of the shops went from being in the red to black numbers thanks to the surplus. 


Black Friday 2021 in the UK: every Briton will spend 315  pounds on average

"That’s all good... But how can I make the most of Black Friday?”, you are probably asking yourself. Because, indeed, a good opportunity is not enough: you need a sales strategy that will allow you to optimise your sales to the maximum. It is estimated that each Briton will spend, between ecommerce and physical shops, 315 pounds on average during Black Friday 2021.  But how do you attract spending to your business? Increasing conversion is the result of taking care of the small details (sometimes not so small). We are referring to elements such as the payment gateway, alternative payment methods, multichannel payments...

By now you have surely realised what our specialty is. At PayXpert, our goal is to develop payment technology. Since we started in 2009, our team has been constantly perfecting financial optimisation tools. So much so that today our payment technology is one of the most powerful in the market. We are one of the leading financial consulting companies and we want to help you get the most out of your payments. Do you want to know how fintech can help you sell more this year's Black Friday? Keep reading, we have a lot to tell you. 


A strategy that will help you sell more on Black Friday. Fintech keys to optimise your conversion

Do you have the best payment gateway? Finding a powerful payment gateway is (or should be) one of the main concerns of click and mortar merchants. In other words, ecommerce should take care of their electronic payment gateway if they want to optimise their conversion this Black Friday 2021. What characterises an optimal payment gateway?

  • Multi-acquirer network. No, we are not referring to the more than 20 alternative payment methods offered by the PayXpert payment gateway (although this is also important). As financial technology experts we know that the best online payment gateway is much more than that. We refer to the more than 10+ acquirers we have. A network of acquirers (or multi-acquirer network) is the secret behind an international payment gateway and with the best approval rates. The result? Say goodbye to rejected payments, and start selling internationally.

  • Cascading. Cascading payments is one of the best-kept secrets of big business. Based on multi-acquirer networks, they consist of routing transactions to new acquirers if they run into problems. This becomes especially crucial at times of high transaction volume, such as Black Friday or Christmas (when it's common for networks to become saturated at peak times). 

  • Tokenization. Gain the trust of your customers with the latest technology in financial security. Encryption of information? You may be familiar with it... But encryption security is a thing of the past. Large companies (the most efficient companies, we mean) use tokenization technology to offer their customers maximum protection of their data. What is tokenization? It is the generation of random numerical series associated with each client’s personal data. Unlike encryption, it cannot be decrypted. Something as simple as this (a numerical series) means that the customer's personal data are safe in the merchant’s databases, and that the only thing that is visible in transactions is a numerical series associated with them. Remember: security is one of the key factors when choosing a regular e-commerce, and you cannot overlook it if you want to generate maximum loyalty. 

  • Multichannel and unified sales strategy. A payment gateway with several payment options that detects your customer's desire to buy and makes it easy for them. Some of the payment methods that you can offer your customers are: Pay-By-Link, or payment via a link that you can send by SMS, email or chatbot; MOTO, a telephone payment system with which you can manage payments either through your agents or automatically with our IVR. And more! Contact us for advice on new digital payment methods and start offering the latest to your customers. 


We are experts in payment technology, and we have the payment gateway you are looking for

Our gateway, together with our Central Dashboard and Connect2pay payment page solution are the result of a long history in the payments industry. Our team has been working since 2009 on the continuous improvement of our technology to constantly meet the demands of a changing market. We are the combination of Expertise and Innovation. The result? Trendy payment technology of maximum efficiency.

We know that we can do a lot for you, we know that our technology brings results. Do you want to receive advice without obligation? Contact us and request a demo of our products. We want to be your partner. 

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