Sell more online: the best payment gateway thanks to PayXpert


Published 16/11/2020 · 3 min read

How to choose the best payment gateway?

Our clients’ clients are our clients. That's why it's our job to know your wishes and needs. Because it's not only about knowing what they want (what their preferences or consumption habits are), but also what their most basic requirements are as consumers.


Financial technology for small and large businesses.

It's happened to all of us: we're looking for a product or service, let's say a pair of trainers. We find an online shop that has them at an attractive price, but (nightmare): their page takes a while to load... Or it doesn’t offer your trusted payment method... Or it has a long and tedious payment gateway. The result is always the same: we don’t take long to leave a page that doesn't inspire confidence.

That's why, if we want our e-commerce website to sell more and grow, we must strive to provide a good user experience (also known as UX).


What is the user experience? How can it help me position myself in the market?

If your e-commerce website were a person, his user experience would be the language used, the ways, the ability to detect and satisfy customer needs, how quickly and efficiently he serves you... And even the attire and the appearance. In short, the user experience comprises all the factors that your customers take into account when assessing the interaction with the ecommerce website, and that predict almost unequivocally whether they will come back to you for an upcoming purchase. Because it is true, we can buy trainers in many places, but who delivers them to me first? Who gives me more guarantees? Who offers me more payment methods? Do you have a secure payment gateway? Today we will talk about how an ecommerce portal can "get on well" with its visitors. 


How to create an outstanding user experience? The most important elements.

Did you know that, after the price, the most important factor for a customer is the confidence he has in your business? Whether you own a small, medium or large-scale e-commerce website, these are the aspects you don't want to overlook if you want to offer a memorable experience that builds on loyalty.

  • Simplicity, above all. Yes, your website visitors come to you because you offer something they want. But their patience is limited and with it the time they are willing to devote to you. A simple, concise and clean interface focuses the customer’s attention on the product. And the same goes for payment gateways: you should avoid too many steps, eternal subscription processes...
  • A consistent design. You can offer good products at a good price (and that’s great)... But it's not enough. An ecommerce portal with a careful design according to its brand identity generates trust. Some of the essential aspects for a good design are: simplicity (again), an intuitive distribution of information, a consistent copy... It all adds up to the same goal: to demonstrate your expertise. That you know who you are and who comes to you. What he wants and how he likes to find it. 
  • The best payment gateway. How do you choose a payment gateway that lives up to your website? There are several aspects to consider when choosing a simple, fast and versatile payment gateway. As we have already said, we want your customer to get a good shopping experience when they visit your e-commerce site. After years of experience improving the user experience through efficient payment gateways, we know what e-commerce visitors are looking for (whether you're a small, medium, or large business). 


What is the best payment gateway for Spanish ecommerce in 2020?

As expert consultants in fintech, we analyse the most important aspects when choosing payment gateways for your ecommerce.

  • Protection against fraud. It is undeniable that e-commerce is becoming increasingly important. Along with this great opportunity a new threat to e-commerce arises: fraud. At PayXpert we know that, in order to minimise it, the conversion rate per fraud must be constantly monitored. Our payment gateway is backed by an expert team and the latest technology in financial optimisation. We work to offer you the lowest risk with the highest volume of sales. 
  • Maximum security for your customers. Thanks to tokenisation technology, we guarantee the security of payment data, as well as providing efficient "subscription" or "one-click" payments. What is tokenisation technology? It consists of replacing your customers' payment data with codes that act as a means of identifying the customer. Did you know that security guarantees are one of the key factors in generating conversion? Thanks to tokenisation technology you will be able to offer your customers a more efficient and reliable management of their bank details. 
  • Invisible payment method. Let’s remember that the moment of payment is a "pain point" in the purchase process and therefore we are interested in making it as easy as possible. Invisible payments (or seamless payment) is a way to make it easy. When dealing with regular customers, it allow us to save their payment data and associate them with their profile. In this way, the next time they wish to make a purchase on our e-commerce website they can simply click on the purchase button. Payment becomes quick and painless. 
  • Certified for the European PSD2 regulations. Our payment gateway complies with European PSD2 legislation which, since 2015, regulates payment services. The latest in finance to meet European standards.
  • Global coverage. Thanks to our wide range of payment methods and our multi-acquirer network, you can accept international payments with the highest payment acceptance rate. You can accept payments from Russian customers thanks to the Mir payment system. You can become the Chinese buyer’s flagship shop by offering payment technology such as WeChat Pay and Ali Pay. Expand the boundaries of your business and sell more online anywhere in the world.

Choosing the best payment gateway is not difficult. At PayXpert we work to help companies like yours integrate fintech tools simply and effectively. Do you want to know what financial technology has in store for you? Visit our website and start selling more with us.

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