PayXpert Plugins: WooCommerce, PrestaShop, Magento and more payment gateways


Published 25/05/2021 · 3 min read

Are you looking for innovative solutions to get your online store up and running? Have you heard of the payment gateways WooCommerce, PrestaShop, and Magento? What other alternatives do you know of?

If you have an eCommerce website and want to build a secure module for your platform or need some support or customisation, we can help!

Plugins are add-ons that bring specific new features to your business. Imagine what it would be like to work on your WooCommerce payment gateway with an advanced system, with your leads’ local and favourite payment methods, and automatically complying with PSD2 regulations. It's the only way to keep your business safe.

We invite you to discover PayXpert plugins; it won't take you more than 5 minutes to learn something that can change the life of your online store forever.

Are you up for it?

4 PayXpert plugins

Did you know that we have the most popular extensions and plugins on the market? And we want to show them:

  • Magento

We have the plugin adapted to this open-source eCommerce platform. It not only offers a flexible shopping system, but also control over the business. To install the PayXpert plugin you just need to access the link and unzip it. You must upload the content app in your Magento setup folder. Go to the admin panel, select System, Settings, and Payment Methods. Now, search for PayXpert to make sure the plugin is installed correctly.

  • WooCommerce

PayXpert has an official module for WordPress WooCommerce. To install it, simply upload it via FTP or use WordPress 'Add Plugin' feature. Then activate it in the admin page, go to WooCommerce settings, click on payment, and you will see the PayXpert option. Now, click on their payment options, enable the link and fill in the information provided by the provider.

  • WordPress

The main features of the PayXpert WordPress payment gateway range from a payment solution tailored to local business conditions to the FCA support. To install it you need to activate the plugin on the admin page, go to the Gravity Forms settings, click PayXpert and enable the link. Create a form and select PayXpert from the drop-down list.

  • OpenCart

It is an open-source eCommerce platform used to sell in the online ecosystem. To install the PayXpert plugin in OpenCart you must follow these steps: unzip, load the 'admin' and 'catalogue' folders. Then go to the admin panel and select Extensions and Payments. When searching for the PayXpert entry, select Install in the Action column. When installed, you must log in with your username and password. Customise the settings and start using the module.

  • PrestaShop

You've probably heard of this content management system. It is designed to build online stores from scratch. PayXpert now has a plugin to start receiving payments quickly and easily. To install it, go to Modules in the PrestaShop admin panel, choose 'Add a new module'. Using the 'Module File' field, select zip on the PayXpert module and click Upload. Find the PayXpert entry, make the necessary settings adjustments, and save them.

  • osCommerce

It is an eCommerce program developed in PHP in 2000. You can install the PayXpert osCommerce plugin by following these simple steps: upload the content catalogue to your osCommerce installation folder, go to the admin panel, and select Modules and Payments. Look for the PayXpert entry, make sure the module is enabled, and save the settings.

  • Zen Cart

It is an eCommerce software whose plugin is available at PayXpert. You can easily install it by uploading the content in the Zen Cart installation folder. Go to the admin panel, select Modules and Payments. Look for the PayXpert entry and make sure it is enabled. Start using the module!


It is a widely used system to manage products, services, customers and invoices from a single centralised panel. To install the plugin, go to the admin panel, select Settings, Payments, and Payment Gateways. Now, click on the PayXpert module and activate it. Make sure the order form is enabled, save changes and start working with the module!

Browse our GitHub page and contact us if you want to build a module for your platform, customisations, support or instructions! We are here to help you.

Conclusions about PayXpert plugins

And with the same agility, you will be able to integrate our page APIs and payment gateway. It does not matter if you don't have the necessary knowledge, we help you throughout the process. Switching to PayXpert is easy, we can import your business’ data history and payment tokens securely. As a result, you will benefit from continuity in sales without losing any revenue.

To do this, we make the whole integration process quick and convenient. You won't have to worry about anything.

Do you feel ready to enjoy a complete service in your eCommerce? Not only do we have the most popular plugins on the market, but also a PCI-compliant payment gateway, a card tokenization system updated with the latest technology, micropayment services, the option of debt recovery services, advanced anti-fraud and scoring, and powerful Business Intelligence and Datamining tools.

With PayXpert, not only do you have the most popular plugins and a modern payment gateway, but you can also comply with PSD2 regulations while optimising rejected transactions, tracking business in one click, monitoring operations, constantly improving, and accessing limited lists of filtered transactions.

That's all your online store needs to attract more customers with a new and different business model!

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