Online Payments for My Business


Published 08/06/2020 · 3 min read

Is your business developing in the digital universe? Would you like to increase the confidence and security of your payments? Learn the best options to manage your online sales, discover the importance of payment gateways in e-commerce businesses and increase the security and trust in your transactions.

Considering that 4 out of 5 consumers research on the Internet before making a purchase, it is crucial that your business adapts to clients’ needs and improves their experience. If you want to attract potential consumers to your e-Commerce, you should have a clear picture of objectives, anticipate risks and implement an effective payment strategy.

In this context, behind the payment gateways, there is the most effective way to adjust your business to the essential requirements of the sector and consumers. And, in this post, we are going to tell you the reasons why you should update your e-Commerce with new online payment methods.

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Online payments for e-Commerce

How are you charging your clients? If your company wants to accept online payments, a good strategy to increase sales and reduce time spent on administrative tasks is to adopt an advanced payment gateway.

Payment gateways are essential for the world of e-Commerce because they verify, accept or reject transfers between buyers and sellers through different payment methods: Virtual POS, Physical POS, payments without system integration, payments through the use of interactive voice response (IVR), etc. PayXpert is a payment gateway pooling all these solutions and provides multiple advantages:

  • To offer a great checkout experience to customers.
    • It reduces credit card fraud in business.
    • It guarantees and increases the security of data. 
  • To have a real-time monitoring platform.
  • It is a complete solution for your e-Commerce.
  • To help your online business to centralize and streamline your payment processes.
  • To offer advanced statistics to analyse data and improve your decisions.
  • It has more than 100 different payment methods.  
  • You will easily charge your customers through a single payment.
  • It has a very high level technical and support team always available for any situation.
  • Its functionality is simple and friendly
  • With this payment solution, you will attract many more national and foreign potential clients
  • It is present in many countries, including Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Taiwan, among others.

In addition, PayXpert has licenses and support from financial entities as well as national and regional authorities, such as the Financial Conduct Activity (FCA) in the United Kingdom.


Why offer different payment methods?

Every year the number of businesses that start selling their products in the online universe increases, and the payment process represents a decisive moment: “Moment of truth”, as it is known in marketing. If you want to maximize your e-Commerce sales, you need to take care of this process, as it is a most important factor in the results of your business. For example, imagine you have an online store and a large part of your foreign customers come from countries like China. In this case, the ideal solution is to know the payment methods commonly used by Chinese tourists, such as the popular application WeChat or Alipay, and include them among the payment options offered.

PayXpert allows you to accept payments with these and other specific alternatives and is a regulated gateway across Europe. It is a complete transaction and business intelligence solution and its philosophy is based on four fundamental pillars: innovation, international approach, customer orientation and excellence. On this platform there are no exceptions: it focuses on improving the experience of sellers and buyers equally.

Considering the increased usage of mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, and that clients use them to carry out many of their purchasing processes, promptness and simplicity are two essential requirements. Payment gateways are undoubtedly a critical strategic resource for all e-Commerce, without which the online sales process could take serious risks. Your clients need security, ease and simplicity. Do you think you meet all the requirements?

One of the great advantages of PayXpert is the compatibility with the most used alternative payment methods in each country. In this way, businesses ensure the satisfaction of their potential customers from anywhere in the world, in addition to a frictionless access to global markets.


Latest conclusions on online payments in e-Commerce

Electronic commerce constitutes a space where clients and sellers do not see each other's faces, which generates a kind of natural distrust especially when entering their data and making the payment. Therefore, we must take care of every detail in transaction processing.

Although we are increasingly buying online, it is also true that the risks on the internet are real (shipping problems, hidden costs, etc.) and are resolved over time. However, its benefits go much further: convenience of payment, ease of purchase and customized shipments.

The number of consumers in electronic commerce is growing. In 2015, more than 19 million Spanish people already shopped online, with the consequent transformation of all market sectors, buying habits and ways of selling. In 2020, more than 80% of the population is already a consumer of e-Commerce trades. What can we expect from online stores in the coming years? Where are physical shops headed?

Payment gateways are a reliable method that ensures data security and payment materialization. Furthermore, PayXpert has a cascading system: if the transaction fails, it is redirected to another payment option, which rises the conversion rate in the e-Commerce.

Your safety counts!

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