Omnichannel, the best sales strategy during a pandemic?


Published 30/06/2021 · 3 min read

Omnichannel, the sales strategy of those who managed to increase conversion in a pandemic

Still going through atypical circumstances that caught the world by surprise, large and small businesses worldwide are being forced to rethink the way they understand their business. For what purpose? Not only to respond to the restrictions imposed on physical stores but also to meet shoppers' needs with evolving buying habits.

How can we develop a sales strategy in 2021 that addresses all these objectives? Omnichannel, also called multichannel has been one of the major bets for large and small businesses during 2020 and has already shown results in many of them. In this post, we talk about how omnichannel is the sales strategy that businesses worldwide use to increase their conversion in the middle of the pandemic. But what is omnichannel and how can it increase your business conversion? Read on and discover step by step how to implement it to take advantage of all its benefits. Let's get started.

What is Omnichannel?

Channels are each of how your customers can purchase your business. The fewer channels you have, the more you reduce the buying possibilities you offer to your buyers, missing out on countless sales opportunities. This is where omnichannel comes in. This is the sales strategy whereby a business offers its customers a multi-dimensional, cross-channel payment offering. That is, you offer your customers a large number of payment channels, adapted to their needs and which allow them to buy in your business from anywhere and at any time, via a call, a link or their mobile phone. These channels are also interconnected, allowing your customer (for example) to start the purchase from a website and finish it through a phone call with the assistance of an IVR, or interactive voice response.

Here are the main sales channels for PayXpert's multichannel payments:

  • Digital Payments: Through our multi-acquiring network and our wide variety of alternative payments worldwide, we provide you and your customers with the best combination of digital payment solutions to achieve optimal acceptance rates and improve customer satisfaction and conversion. Some of the most frequent digital payments applications are eCommerce, payment apps, sales through social networks... Among others.
  • MOTO allows you to collect order information through your agents, a secure IVR, or redirect your customer to a secure payment page through a link (where they can choose the payment method of your choice). Offer your telephone agents an automated order collection to optimise sales management and send the order in the shortest possible time.
  • IVR: automate your business payments through an interactive voice response, to securely process your customers' payments, or redirect them to another payment channel of their choice. Get the service of a traditional sales agent with 99.99% call availability.
  • SOFT MPOS: a sophisticated payment software on your smartphone or POS, which allows your customers to pay you wherever you are. An intuitive and functional design has an NFC card scanner and camera, making it compatible with the latest Visa and Master Card industry standards.

Visit our website to find out more about our most popular payment channels.

Omnichannel, the strategy of businesses that managed to sell more during the pandemic

The pandemic was a challenge in every way, especially for businesses that had to redesign their strategy to maintain sales. Some even managed to increase conversion, thanks to omnichannel payments. Such is the case of the Sánchez Romero supermarket chain which, thanks to the implementation of -above all- non-face-to-face sales channels (such as telephone sales through agents, or sales via messaging apps or delivery platforms), managed to increase its sales by 50% in 2020.

Potential benefits of an omnichannel sales strategy: guaranteed results for your business

As we mentioned at the beginning, omnichannel is a sales strategy that allows you to react to the changing circumstances of a pandemic market (and the resulting closures of physical stores) and respond to the needs of an evolving society. Do you want to know how it benefits you and what you can expect? Read on.

Opening new sales channels for your business

Are you one of those who still do not know how to start selling online? Do you already sell online, but want to optimise resources and reach more customers? Omnichannel allows you to go beyond the traditional commerce model, allowing you to sell more online in the most efficient way and integrate a unified commerce system.

Offering an unbeatable user experience

Offering an omnichannel payment system is the perfect way to show your customer that you know them, know how to meet their needs, and have the technology and expertise to do so. An extraordinary user experience is the result.

Cross-border sales: reach new customers around the world

An omnichannel payment system... With more than 100 alternative payment methods from all over the world, selling to international customers who visit your physical store, or online shoppers from countries all over Europe, America, and Asia (such as China, thanks to Ali Pay and WeChat Pay or India through RuPay).

Do you want to sell more using the best Fintech available today? Contact us to learn about the rest of our services and find out how we can help you optimise your finances expertly. 

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