Most secure e-commerce payment methods


Published 31/03/2021 · 3 min read

This is a different post for several reasons. Firstly, we are going to take a closer look at the different payment methods in e-commerce. Secondly, they are not just any payment methods, but the most popular on the market and the safest in the eCommerce universe. Given the current times, marked by the increase in online payments and the need for security to prevent fraud, knowing the most secure payment methods in eCommerce is a good way to start the year.

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6 e-commerce payment methods: The safest!

Which payment methods do you use in your online store? Are they the most appropriate for your business? Take note and find out for sure:

  • Bank cards

As you know, it's the payment method par excellence. Who doesn't carry a card in their card holder or in their pocket? It is still the method most widely used by users and accepted by eCommerces, thanks to the security it provides and the ease of use as part of payment gateways.

Many businesses allow their products or services to be purchased by credit card, a very useful means of payment due to its simplicity and convenience. In fact, about 90% of users claim to have made online purchases using this method. And this security and convenience is largely due to the presence of official payment gateways, which we will talk about later.

  • Wallets or electronic wallets

Over the years and with the evolution of the fintech sector, many businesses have included digital wallets as a form of payment in their store checkout. In this way, they allow the financing of purchases to pay whenever and however they want, increase eCommerce conversion with less risk. In short, eCommerce uses digital wallets to streamline the checkout process for its customers and combine payment features with gateways.

We're sure you still carry a wallet full of cash and credit or debit cards around with you, right? Well, an e-wallet is exactly the same, but in digital format. In it you can store your virtual money, financial information, etc., as well as pay for purchases from your Smartphone. It is very practical because you can centralise all your transactions in this wallet, and very secure thanks to encryption and the use of passwords. In short, it allows you to pay with a single click.

These are the most popular payment methods in the Chinese market. WeChat Pay is the most popular social network and mobile app in China. It covers everything from instant messaging, payment services, calls, bill payments, taxi requests and investments, to the purchase of tickets for cultural events.

So much so that it now has more than 1 million registered accounts and more than 1 billion active users each month. You may have heard of it as 'the all-purpose Chinese application’, as it allows you to perform many operations from a single platform that you would otherwise do from different and individual applications or services. To make it easier for you to imagine, it would be equivalent to many apps on Google Play or the App Store. The app was created by Chinese giant Tencent.

On the other hand, Alipay’s figures have little to envy this popular app: more than 600 million users have access to it. This means that the businesses that are present in it can be seen by this number of consumers. Alipay allows you to make payments with your Smartphone in a simple way and aims to optimise the way you pay for any type of product and service. It allows payment in restaurants, small stores, mobile top-ups, financial services, transfers and bill payments, among other things. Your eCommerce can benefit from its support in marketing promotions, real-time monitoring, reduction of extra exchange rate costs and fast payment processing.

It goes beyond the old cash registers. It allows the booking of sessions of our service on the chosen date and time, checking product availability in stocks, the automation of home deliveries, the organisation of financial resources and many other options. SOFT MPOS allows you to accept payments anywhere and at any time using your own mobile phone or POS. It is easy to use, makes it possible to receive payment from customers as they receive products and services, scans camera cards and NFC, among other things. Can you imagine turning your phone into a portable point of sale?

In Spain, online payment gateways are often referred to as Virtual POS. A good option to have a web presence is to set up a virtual or mobile POS. In other words, a specific point of sale for online stores that can provide a physical presence. This online payment system is a software that is implemented on any smart device with Android or iOS.


Accepting payments using the interactive voice response or IVR solution is one of the most modern and secure ways in the world of eCommerce. Both the IVR and the phone numbers provided will be protected by PCI L1 of the payment data. At PayXpert, we guarantee maximum security and customers can be redirected to reach the automated solution directly to enter their payment information. This saves the cost of a PCI compliant call centre and gives you a greater sense of security. Some of its features include: SIP voice technology, personalised voice messages, multiple languages and voices available, PCI environment for secure calls and maximum call availability.

  • Biometric payments

Fingerprint and selfie are two of the most modern and revolutionary biometric payment systems of the moment. Can you imagine paying for a purchase with a smile, without using physical cash or credit cards? Or simply making a payment using your fingerprint? It is possible thanks to biometrics.

All of these methods can be integrated into a single payment gateway, in a centralised way and be further improved with a dashboard and many extra features that bring value-added functionalities to your business operations.

Maximum security guaranteed! Request more information at PayXpert.

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