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Meet our eXperts at Paris Retail Week

Written by PayXpert | Sep 14, 2022 1:15:27 PM

We are excited to show several new payment products that contribute to a more inclusive, omnichannel payment experience. Why not join us at  Booth E049 for a free coffee and get to know our products?

 If you haven’t signed up for the event yet, take advantage of our free invite code at the end of the article.  PayXpert participates for the 4th consecutive year in Paris Retail Week where will demonstrate innovations for retail professionals from September 20 to 22, 2022. On more than 18m², retailers will be able to discover and test a wide range of products developed by PayXpert as well as the latest innovations designed to streamline the customer journey, respond to new purchasing habits, and create high-value-added services.

 Booth E049

  • Android payment terminals
  • Payment terminals equipped with instant translation
  • Demonstration of Success case Digitization of Taxis G7
  • Electronic tip
  • Bill splitting
  • Satisfaction survey
  • Dashboard for analyzing data and presenting information to improve and accelerate decision-making in the purchase process.

Our News

  • Biometric payment by facial recognition and tokenization of the means of payment: Demo payment on the coffee machine.
  • Online omnichannel payment and immediate recognition on payment terminals
  • Inclusive payment for the visually impaired
  • Payment terminals equipped with a text-to-speech converter
  • A removable embossed keyboard that can be installed on payment terminals and an embossed screen protector

More on our retail payment solutions

Invitation: EXP1900208. Click here for a free pass!