How to increase sales in 2021 with WeChat Mini-Programs


Published 06/04/2021 · 3 min read

How to sell more to Chinese customers? WeChat Pay is the answer

If you visit our blog frequently, you know that WeChat Pay is one of the safe bets to sell more. Why? Because it's the preferred payment method of one billion people in the Asian powerhouse. However, today we bring you something different: WeChat Mini Programs, what are they? what are they for? Why should you be interested in knowing them if you want to reach more customers in the best way? Whether you have a physical store, an e-commerce... An SME, or a big company... If you want to know new ways to expand your business and increase your conversion this 2021, this post is for you. Will you join us?

WeChat in the UK? Discover your best payment gateway

It all starts with WeChat: what started as a messaging app developed by Tencent, would end up becoming a social network, an app store and, finally, a payment method: WeChat Pay. You know that, as experts in payment methods, WeChat Pay is one of our alternative payment methods, helping our clients to sell more, to more customers. So now: WeChat Mini Programs, what are they and how can your business benefit from them? WeChat Mini Programs are sub-apps that are integrated within the WeChat app. What are they for? For advertising and selling products and services. Its advantages? They work better and faster than conventional apps, and they don't require installation: WeChat's one billion users have access to them.

How to use WeChat Mini-Programs to sell more

  • Develop a Mini-Program including your flagship services or products. Include a link to your website or offer the option of an app of your own where you include your whole offer.
  • Develop multiple Mini-Programs, each with a small selection of your offer.

Although they are limited in size, the main advantage of Mini-Programs (apart from the fact that they do not require installation) is that they do not require the development of a native app. In many cases, they also serve to promote other apps. In addition, because they are so small, they hardly involve any data charges for their users.

Advantages of WeChat Mini Programs for your business

In China, literally every business (regardless of size) has a presence on WeChat. The reality is that more and more merchants around the world are realising the benefits of including this method in their payment gateway: it helps them to stay ahead of their competition and win Chinese customers over (either as a tourist or through ecommerce).

  • That is why WeChat Mini Programs is a small investment with huge benefits for British businesses in 2021 (and beyond).
  • In addition, more than half of the purchases made through WeChat Mini Programs in 2018 were between $30 and  $145 USD. This makes Mini Programs profitable even for businesses offering low value products or services.
  • On top of that, they improve the UX of your business. Another common use of Mini Programs is gamification. Many brands use them to offer small games that they integrate into their shopping experience, making it much more attractive to the user and increasing not only traffic, but also the final number of sales.

Types of WeChat Mini Programs, which one suits you best?

The quick answer is that there are Mini Programs of all kinds: you set the limits. If it is developed in Java Script, has a size limit of 10 MB and complies with WeChat's terms and conditions, it can become a WeChat Mini Program. Although you can make a Mini Program out of anything you want, here are some ideas in case you're looking for inspiration.

Content Marketing in a WeChat Mini Programs?

First, what is content marketing? Content marketing is about generating useful and relevant content, directly related to your products or services apps, that engages your customers or potential customers and helps you create a relevant and positive image of your brand. Here are some examples. If you have a beauty products business, a sports products ecommerce, a dance academy... or any business related to some of the most popular trends in networks (fitness, real food...), you can easily create content that your customers can easily identify with. A Mini-Program that offers a short daily gym routine, a recipe made with your products, a styling suggestion... Remember: the key is to create useful and entertaining content linked to your customer’s needs.

WeChat Mini Games

Games are one of the most popular Mini Programs. In 2018 alone, they tripled their use compared to the previous year. In addition, gamification is an effective way to generate a friendly image of your brand, which also requires little effort on the part of the user. Remember that the maximum size of the WeChat Mini Programs is 10 MB, so games have to be simple. Although most of them follow simple mechanics, they are very diverse and generate great engagement. Here are some of the most successful Mini Games that big brands have developed.

Ecommerce on WeChat

One of the secrets of WeChat Mini Programs is that, as they have such a light format, they load fast, and generate an optimal browsing pace for consumption. When a page takes very long to load, it is very easy to rethink your purchase or consider other alternatives from other sellers. That's why many businesses see Mini Programs as an opportunity to sell more by using them as an extension of e-commerce.

We are fintech experts in the UK

Simple and effective payment gateways, electronic management control tools, data mining to sell more to your ideal customer... Our goal is to put the most efficient financial management technology at your service. Not only to offer you an expert view of your company's finances, but also to provide your customers with the most convenient, secure and innovative technology. We offer the best to our customers, so that they can offer the best to their own clients. If you are interested in learning more, or even want to try a demo of our tools, contact us without obligation. We’ll talk soon!

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