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How AI-Language Models are Revolutionising Work Environments: Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT

Written by Tomas Parra | May 22, 2023 2:03:19 PM

ChatGPT is an AI language model that's been making waves in the tech world and beyond. It's a chat system with artificial intelligence capabilities to understand and generate human-like responses to text-based input. However, it's not just simple human-like curiosity. ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionise the way we work by making our processes more efficient and effective. However, we must remember the imperfections and challenges ingrained in the tool.

The developers use Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), which uses human feedback in the training loop to minimise harmful, untruthful, and/or biased outputs.

We have this tool, like having a smart friend or colleague we can ask anything, anytime we want. This is amazing. However, key questions arise when we sit before the keyboard, ready to try it out. What can I use it for? How can it help me in my work routine? What are its limitations? How do I transform its outputs into helpful information? 

A few of these topics will be covered here without exhausting all possibilities since, like anything AI-based, we are just starting to map out the possibilities!

Advantages of ChatGPT use in work environments:

ChatGPT's diverse applications can automate routine tasks, streamline workflows, and enhance productivity in a work environment.

Let's highlight how the tool can help specific departments achieve their goals more efficiently.

  1. Support:

In the support department, it can be a valuable tool in improving customer service. AI can help support staff. It can suggest appropriate responses to customer general queries that do not involve confidential information. This reduces the time needed to respond. This can be particularly helpful for handling a large volume of customer queries.

You can troubleshoot code as well as provide technical writing assistance. This can include suggesting relevant articles or documentation to help customers solve their problems.

Additionally, it can help support staff with a consistent tone and style in their replies to customers by analysing the syntax, grammar, and vocabulary used in previous interactions. This can ensure that customers receive a personalised and professional response that accurately represents the company's brand.

  1. Business Development:

ChatGPT can analyse market trends and customer feedback. This provides insights into new business opportunities. Organisations can use this to expand their reach and increase revenue. However, it is important to point out that the personal or confidential information of the customer should not be shared with ChatGPT.

It can also assist in creating sales proposals and pitch decks by providing relevant data and insights to support the pitch. This form of AI can help organisations make more informed decisions, stay ahead of the competition, and grow their business.

Moreover, it can be trained and automated by utilising its API.

This allows businesses to tailor the tool to their needs and integrate it with their existing workflows and systems. ChatGPT can become an asset for businesses across various departments with its powerful AI capabilities and customisable features.

  1. Marketing:

Here are some practical examples of how a marketing department can use the tool to improve their work:

  • Content generation: Generate engaging and relevant content for a business's website or social media channels. The tool allows users to create tailored content for a business's target audience. This can include articles, blog posts, and social media captions. All that is needed is to input specific keywords and user interests. This saves time and resources for the marketing department, allowing them to focus on other important tasks.
  • Research and content curation: Research and curate content from various sources, helping businesses create a consistent and valuable content marketing strategy. Analyse and summarise articles, allowing marketers to stay current on industry news and trends.
  • Customer engagement: Assist with engaging with customers on social media or providing conversation prompts on a website's blog or forum.
  • Lead generation: Generate leads by providing personalised responses to customer inquiries and guiding them through the sales funnel. This can help businesses increase their conversion rates and grow their customer base. As in general with AI tools, ensure that sensitive data are not involved.
  1. Compliance:

ChatGPT can assist in identifying regulatory requirements or published regulatory documents.

How to use ChatGPT

When using ChatGPT in a work setting, key factors should be considered. This will help to prevent frustration and get the most out of the system. A recent Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology study showed that customer service workers at a Fortune 500 software firm became 14% more productive using generative AI.   Some of the uses we suggest:

  • Provide clear and concise input: it works best when given clear and concise input. Avoid using complex or ambiguous language while getting as specific as necessary.
  • Iterate on the same question: If the initial answer is not satisfactory, provide more details or rephrase the question to improve the accuracy of the response. Bear with it; sometimes it can feel like you are talking with a confused individual who needs more details to understand your query.
  • Provide feedback: Provide feedback on the accuracy and relevance of the responses provided by ChatGPT to improve its performance.

It is essential to train employees on how to use AI tools. They must understand their capabilities and limitations.

  • Integrating ChatGPT with other tools: integration with other tools and software in the workplace to enhance its functionality for a more seamless user experience.
  • Monitoring usage: Keeping track of its usage in the workplace can help identify areas where it provides the most value and areas where it may need improvement. It is essential to set expectations for employees about ChatGPT. This includes when it should be used, what questions it can answer, and when human expertise is necessary.
  • Continuously improving ChatGPT: This is an evolving technology. It is crucial to stay updated with new developments and improvements to ensure that it continues to provide value to the organisation.

Limitations of ChatGPT:

This is a powerful tool for any department, but like any technology, it has limitations. Understanding these limitations is important to ensure it is used effectively and efficiently in the workplace. Here are some key limitations to keep in mind when using:

  • Privacy concerns: Caution shall be taken when feeding ChatGPT with information that could be confidential or protected by Personal Data regulations or intellectual property.
  • Need for human supervision: The tool is imperfect and will make mistakes. Do not blindly copy & paste what it outputs. Close supervision is needed; the tool may not always respond correctly to a question. Remember, it is not trained to ¨tell the truth¨! It needs human supervision to ensure that the responses provided are accurate and relevant. When it comes to research, it is essential to do more investigation using search engines or trusted sources.
  • Limited to text-based input: It can only process text-based input and cannot understand audio or visual cues. However, the new paid version to be launched will have these capabilities.
  • Lack of context: it may not always have enough context to provide accurate or relevant responses to complex or nuanced questions.

The tool should not be used for sensitive or confidential information. It is not prepared to provide the necessary security.

  • Potential for bias: It may reflect biases in the data it was trained on, which could result in biased responses.

ChatGPT and other language models trained by OpenAI are limited to information and knowledge available until September 2021. This is the training data cut-off date.

Good practices

  • Respect personal and confidential information: Personal data and confidential information about clients, partners, and suppliers, either individuals or companies, shall be maintained safe and never be disclosed.
  • Use ChatGPT to complement human expertise: Considering data privacy and security when using AI to handle customer information is essential. Appropriate measures must be taken to protect sensitive information.
  • Establish clear guidelines: Setting clear guidelines for how it should be used and what questions it can answer can help ensure it is used effectively and efficiently.
  • Provide training data: In a more advanced (API-based) utilisation, providing training data can improve the accuracy and relevance of the responses.

Regularly review and evaluate ChatGPT's performance. This can help identify areas for improvement. It can also ensure that it provides value to the organisation and your work.


ChatGPT can be a beneficial tool in the workplace. It can increase efficiency, reduce workload, and improve customer satisfaction. In conclusion, it is an AI tool that offers a variety of advantages. However, using it correctly, providing human supervision, and being aware of its limitations is essential. However, limitations are constantly being addressed in the development of the tool.

Chat GPT-4, a paid “Plus” version of the tool has recently been released and represents a giant leap in data processing. The original version could use up to six billion parameters to deliver an answer, GPT-4 has a capacity of 10 trillion!

No matter what version you use, by following good practices and providing regular updates, ChatGPT can continue to improve and provide value to various departments. It is important to remember that ChatGPT should not replace human expertise but rather be used to complement and enhance human capabilities.