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4 Keys to Create Added Business Value With a Payment Gateway

Written by PayXpert | Nov 17, 2022 11:31:22 AM


 Choosing the payment gateway that fits your business needs is key to taking it to the highest possible level.

Here are the four keys to adding business value with a payment gateway:

  1. Multi-acquirer service: PayXpert work with different acquirers. A system consisting of various payment processing banks allows you to offer an uninterrupted payment service. In other words, when one of the acquirers is down or out of service, our payment gateway automatically redirects your customers to the next stable and available acquirer.
  1. International coverage: This is a real conversion booster. Due to the multi-acquirer service and our vast network of international payment methods, your business coverage increases exponentially. Not only because you will offer a highly stable payment gateway but also because the range of national and international customers who have access to your store will set you apart from your competition, increasing the conversion of your business.
  1. Advanced risk control solution: When the digitisation of commerce has become vital, the control and management of new forms of fraud are essential to achieve an optimal ROI. That's why we have developed one of the most efficient fraud control systems in the industry: based on scoring rules and advanced algorithms. It will allow you to detect and stop customers with malicious intent. 
  1. Enriched payment offer: our open-architecture POS allows merchants to customise the payment process according to their specific needs. On our core payment processor (PayXpress) specific POS applications can be developed for each merchant and their customers. Flexibility is one of the central values of the PayXpert payment gateway since we do not offer a traditional payment service: we do it in the most customised and detailed way possible, thanks to scalability through specific applications. These applications can be developed by the merchant, PayXpert, or third parties. Some examples of add-on applications include satisfaction surveys, loyalty programs, QR code payments, such as the ones that Alipay and WeChat Pay offer, and any service to offer the best UX.

4 Ways to integrate payments into your online business

Another primary concern for merchants when choosing a payment processing service is how to integrate payments into their existing physical or online stores. Especially when it comes to e-commerce (as it is an ever-expanding sales channel), this becomes a difficult question to solve without the help of a specialised team. As industry experts, we want to help you deliver an optimal online payment solution: versatile and efficient payments across all possible channels. We teach you four ways to integrate payments into your online business.


1. Plugins: these are extra features to add to a website. In this case, at PayXpert we offer the main payment plugins for your marketplace. If you already have a company website and want to start selling through it, this is one of the fastest, most convenient, and most efficient ways to process payments.


2. External payment processing pages: another form of integration that can be relevant when you try to increase your business conversion. Although the payment experience is not as seamless as with the plugins, this versatile option provides you with an additional opportunity to close a new sale.


3. Seamless or frictionless payments is one of the most cutting-edge and forward-looking forms of payment integration in the financial technology sector. In this case, the customer identifies herself securely so that the payment system associates her with a personal token, and payments are processed automatically without unnecessarily entering payment data.


4. Low-level APIs: These applications communicate with customers via the central payment system. Each of them is designed and developed specifically for the individual customer, allowing them to offer a wide range of payment services to their customers.


Learning how to sell online with PayXpert

An advanced payment gateway is one of the values that will allow you to achieve greater returns in the short and long term. As experts in financial innovation, we continuously work on the constant renewal of our solutions to offer you the best so that you can, in turn, offer it to your customers. If you want to know more about our payment processing solutions or other financial services, contact our team of experts for a free, no-obligation consultation.