5 Reasons to Adopt a Digital Payment Channel with PayXpert


Published 03/08/2020 · 3 min read

Nowadays everyone is thinking about how to sell more online. PayXpert has been helping e-commerce develop sales strategies for years.

Whether you already knew what internet commerce was or if you've recently been thinking about how to increase your business's digital sales, it's very likely that this post will interest you. Today we'll talk about 5 benefits you'll get from integrating a digital payment method into your business. But (watch out) not just any digital payment gateway: a guaranteed payment method (for both the buyer and the seller), with the least possible friction and designed to optimise the conversion cycle of your business. We show you how to optimally integrate digital payment into your business to get the most out of it. 

1. Omnichannel payments: more than digital payment

Humans are animals of habit: we get used to using the same tools and methods in our daily lives. However, this changes when we are presented with increasingly easy ways to manage, in this case, the finances of our business. Financial technology has been developing increasingly effective tools to meet people's needs. In short: optimising the conversion cycle at the lowest cost and in the shortest time. And the same goes for your customers. They come to you for your products and services, and they don't want the payment gateway to be something to spend more time on than necessary. Digital payment appeared to offer consumers a new channel to make purchases from anywhere and anytime. It did not replace physical shops but complemented them. At the same time, digital payment is supplemented by voice commerce or MOTO payments managed by agents, among others. The average buyer is increasingly willing to use new payment channels. The future of payments is undoubtedly multi-channel. 

2. Using fraud detection technology

It is estimated that, in Spain alone, e-commerce sites suffer losses of 100 million euros per year. Fraud is undoubtedly one of the biggest concerns of those who have an e-commerce portal site. Financial technology allows you to integrate electronic payment into your online business in the safest way for you and your customers. This is especially valuable for smaller companies, which see financial partners as an affordable way to tackle this problem: it's one of the many benefits of management control assisted by a consultant like PayXpert. Our Transactions Data Dashboard  will allow you to see in real-time the impact of fraud on your business allowing you to adopt strategies in a timely manner.

3. 24/7 assistance

A complete and well-integrated digital payment channel on your website offers your customers online support for any questions they may have regarding payment. Whether through a FAQ section or an online chat, at PayXpert we know how important it is for the end customer to know that, whoever handles their personal data, is an experienced manager who knows how to answer all the questions that may arise.

4. Optimise your online store's conversion cycle

A financial partner will allow you to integrate the online payment channel while helping you reduce the shopping cart abandonment rate. Financial optimisation tools aim to improve the conversion cycle of your e-commerce; that is, to help you understand your business from within, know your customers and their needs, and thus be able to develop strategies to sell more. Whether it's through data management tools to know your customers' consumption habits or through our Dashboard, which will help you keep track of your business management, our tools are designed to give you a deep understanding of what's happening in your business. In short, we want to save you time and money in managing your finances, and help you to easily integrate the latest financial management technologies. 

5. A solid strategy to get more customers and sell more online

Installing an online payment channel expands your target market, it’s that simple. However, there are several factors that come into play when it comes to selling to audiences in other countries. An example of this are digital payment methods. Let's say you see the Indian buyer as a potential future buyer, or you are interested in approaching the Chinese customer because he has a higher average spending than other online shoppers. Very simple: you will have to offer them payment methods that they recognise as familiar and secure. The Indian RuPay solution and the Chinese Ali Pay and WeChat Pay are the payment systems that will open the doors to a market of millions of potential buyers. Again, a financial partner is a perfect ally for companies with ambitions for growth and expansion.  

The evolution of payments mainly points to flexible channels: the average online customer wants to pay anytime, anywhere

Customers need and demand payment methods as versatile as possible, and future-proof. At PayXpert we take digital payment further: we offer a digital payment experience complemented by other channels. In addition, we have developed a whole range of management tools to offer our customers and their teams a deep and comprehensive view of the financial operation of their business.


Save time and money in financial management so that you can devote it to other important areas of your business

We believe we can help you grow into the future. We reinvent our tools to offer our customers effective, state-of-the-art solutions. Visit us here to find out how we do it. See you!

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Practical guide: all you need to know about payments gateways



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