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3 key tips to sell more on Black Friday 2021

Written by PayXpert | Nov 2, 2021 10:37:07 AM

Learn how to optimise your conversion this 2021

One of the most important sales peaks in the commercial calendar is approaching, both for physical and online retailers. It is followed, let's not forget, for Christmas. This is, therefore, the most powerful quarter of the year. Is your business prepared to face it? Do you have the necessary infrastructure to get the most out of it? In this post we talk about how financial technology will not only allow you to optimise your sales this Black Friday, but also during the rest of the year.

Reduce abandoned shopping carts

One of the main problems of any ecommerce is abandoned shopping carts. Did you know that around 70% of shoppers end up not completing their purchase, leaving the selected products in the cart? It would be a shame if, in the middle of Black Friday, you were to lose so many sales opportunities for reasons that, in many cases, it is in your power to avoid.

An effective way to reduce abandoned carts is to integrate a multichannel payment gateway, with a wide range of alternative payment methods. This is the case of PayXpert’s payment gateway, one of the leading financial partners in the fintech sector.

  • Alternative payment methods: one of the reasons behind so many abandoned shopping carts is not offering the customer their preferred payment method. Why? Because, increasingly, your ecommerce receives visits from international customers; not offering enough payment methods is a way of telling them that they are not welcome. With PayXpert you can offer your customers more than 20 payment methods, that customers look for in key markets around the world. 
  • Multichannel payments: it is a fact that COVID has marked a turning point for payment channels. Customers are increasingly demanding new and more flexible payment channels. The dynamics of shopping have changed: it is no longer so much the customer who comes to the store, but the merchant who has to offer the necessary channels to reach the customer. This is where multichannel payments come into play: we want your customers to have the most sophisticated (yet easy to use) payment channels. We are talking about pay by link, IVR assistance, soft MPOS, electronic payments and more. Visit our website to learn more about our multichannel payment tool, and discover how they can help you satisfy an increasingly demanding customer.

Personalise your customer's shopping experience

Offering an individualised shopping experience that responds to each customer’s preferences and needs is another way to increase your conversion this coming Black Friday. How do you do it?

  • Business Intelligence: this is the financial technology tool to collect the data generated from your customers’ transactions and their financial data, process this data and obtain graphs and statistics in order to understand your finances in depth, at a glance. That's right: thanks to our Dashboard, you will have an expert overview of your business finances on demand, and you will be able to save time and money in the management control and strategic decision-making of your business.  

How can the Business Intelligence Dashboard help you customise your customer's shopping experience? It is simple: it will allow you to know the geolocation of your customers, their buying habits, their average ticket... In short, you will know how they interact with your business. This enables you to target your customers and promote product lines and additional cross-selling opportunities.

Sell more this Black Friday

When is Black Friday 2021 and what date does it fall on? November 26 is the date on the calendar when consumers around the world will take advantage to make those purchases they have been thinking about for some time. Developing a commercial strategy with the best optimisation tools is the perfect formula to get the most out of this important date. And you, are you ready?

Visit our website to find out how to start selling more now.