How to use Fintech for Your Christmas Campaigns


Published 07/12/2022 · 2 min read

How to sell more during Christmas, and throughout the new year

Financial technology is one of the big bets for small businesses to achieve optimal performance, especially in peak sales seasons such as Christmas.

The trend of digitalisation of commerce has continued since then, with an ever-increasing diversification of the tools that experts in the fintech sector use to get the most out of all types of businesses (regardless of their size), hand in hand with their customers. That's why we bring you two of the most powerful tools in the fintech sector to create your most powerful sales strategy for this upcoming Christmas campaign.

Successful Christmas sales campaign 2 to 3 months in advance. It's not too late to start setting objectives, designing a strategy, and having the necessary tools in place to execute and achieve them.

Let's have a peak at some of the most innovative and powerful tools to ensure you improve your business’s financial performance this Christmas (as well as the rest of the year). 

The two fintech "power tools" for your best sales campaign for Christmas 2022

Alternative payment methods

The first of the key points when designing your best sales strategy  is integrating alternative payment methods in the payment gateway of your physical and online business. Although we have talked about this tool before, today we talk about the central role that alternative payments play in sales peaks, such as Christmas.

One of the main advantages of this holiday is its global nature. Shoppers worldwide are looking to grab the best offers for gifts at the best price. In Europe alone, the prospects have been and are tremendously favourable for large and small retailers. This is why integrating alternative payment methods is necessary if you want to reach the largest number of customers in the short and long term. The PayXpert payment gateway, with more than 25 international payment methods and compatible with more than 100 different currencies, guarantees greater international sales coverage for foreign customers visiting our country and international buyers through e-commerce or mobile sales. A simple first step with which to increase the conversion of your large or small business.

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence is one of PayXpert's backoffice tools. What does this mean? Backoffice tools allow the merchant to track sales, as well as optimally manage returns or exchanges, create and maintain subscription sales, sell via mobile devices or web, keep fraudulent buyers movements at bay the movements, know the profile and consumption habits of buyers, get support, etc.

In other words, fintech is much more than innovative payment gateways or alternative payment methods. It is also about knowing the 'gears' of finance, and everything they can tell us about where our sales are coming from, who is buying from us, and where we are losing money. This is Business Intelligence: collecting, managing and interpreting the big financial data of your business, to give you intuitive graphs for your business’ key performance indicators or KPIs. Just like having a financial expert by your side, to save you time, resources and optimise your strategy.

How to sell more during Christmas... And beyond

Today we have introduced you to two of the most acclaimed fintech tools, with guaranteed results. However, the success of a business goes beyond sales peaks: we want to show you how to get the most out of your business during the rest of the year. And this can only be achieved with expert management of your resources. Expert management like what you get from PayXpert. With a whole team of fintech professionals ready to help you achieve your best version, thanks to the best financial technology tools. Do you want to know more? Contact us or visit our website, explore our services and success stories, and start imagining new goals for your business.

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